Heyya gank... i'm Disya 17 years old *u wish disya* hahaha ok ok..i was born on 1990 u count in by ur self how old im. well everyone call me disya but idk why i prefer they call me D, sounds simple.
anyway...i was born in ordinary family, lill girl who have ordinary life and totally tomboy, i mean it..from head to toe im not look like a girl. but since grade 2 senior high school i change...*taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*ahahaha..u know what i mean.
 i love new things, friends, place, food, but im so quite on the first sight and some people said im bitchy *what the...hey man FUCK YOU, im sorry :p* but yeah im very happy when meet new people...i dont mean being bitchy..i just lill bit nervous and dont know where i must started...thats why i look like arrogant.

im proud to be me...i never want to change...my big nose..small eyes...not clear skin colour *i have no idea, its brown, white, yellow, black, or what, but who care :p*, silly behaviour, moody, ya everything about me..
my big dream is have everlasting happy life with my prince charming and my childs *woops*

well...guys when u see me around just say hy....and i will be very happy.
love ya

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